The duration of your ad varies depending on the quality of the Advertiser:
- Non-Professional Advertisers will receive an email two (2) months from the date of the first broadcast of their Ad to verify that the property is still available for sale. It is possible to renew the publication of the ad for a fee for a duration of two (2) months, and within the limit of 2, 6, or 12 months for the categories "Straw and Fodder", "Food", "Animals (Cattle)", and "Animals - other food", or within the limit of 2, 6, or 12 months for the category "Professional service providers" and within the limit of 2 or 6 months for the category "One-time service for farmers".
- Professional Advertisers will receive a confirmation email every two (2) months from the date of the first broadcast of their Ad to verify that the property is still available for sale. This confirmation by the Advertiser allows extending the publication of their Ad for a duration of 2 months with no time limit. The two (2) month extension of the Ad publication is chargeable for Professional Advertisers who do not have a Pack.